This week we have a chat about the Marsh Awards for peer support and our busy online training programme.
Side by Side Cymru extended in West Wales!
Mind Aberystwyth is pleased to announcethat its Side by Side Cymru project in West Wales has been extended by Mind and the Welsh Government to the end of March 2021.
This means we will be continuing to host the West Wales Peer Support Network: providing one to one peer support coaching; and running peer support workshops. Further details to follow on new peer support activities planned for the Spring.
Calling all community-led peer support groups
Still 9 days left to get your Marsh Award nomination in to Mind by midnight on Sunday 8th November.
Your group could win between £250 and £500.
We know that meeting face to face is restricted under social distancing. We also know there are many groups out there who have found other ways of staying connected via: zoom; what’s app; good old telephone calls; new outside activities like fishing and FaceTime walking; and plenty more.
Whichever way your group is staying connected, we encourage you to get your Marsh Award nomination in now. This means filling in a short form, with only 7 questions (each 250 words max), for you to tell us more about your group/ project.
So go on – give it a go!
Peer Support workshops continue to be in high demand
November will be a busy month with three peer support workshops being delivered to regional and local community based organisations. Each event, lasting 2 to 3 hours, is tailored to the need of the booking organisation and is being delivered online through Zoom video conferencing. In addition Mind Aberystwyth is delivering three Mental Health Awareness sessions.
If you are interested in finding out more about booking or attending a peer support workshop, please write to
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