Welcome to Mind Aberystwyth
Working across Ceredigion for better mental health/ Gweithio ar draws Ceredigion i gael gwell iechyd meddwl
For mental health crisis contact your GP, call 999 or go to your nearest Accident & Emergency.
For 24/7 mental health support contact the Samaritans on 116 123 or NHS CALL 0800 132 737.
For mental health advice or concerns for yourself or a loved one, Call NHS on 111 and choose Option 2 to speak to a dedicated team member. This service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Who are Mind Aberystwyth?
Mind Aberystwyth is a mental health and wellbeing charity delivering services across Ceredigion.
We provide mental health support and promote wellbeing through our activity groups, drop-in sessions, support services and community resilience training.

We are here to make sure anyone who has a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for advice and support
You can call to speak to us on 01970 626225 between
9am – 5pm on weekdays
You can write to us at info@mindaberystwyth.org
Mind Aberystwyth gratefully acknowledges the funding and support from: