25th March 2022
A huge thank you to everyone who attended the Q & A session with Mind Aber’s CEO, Jamie Jones-Mead, on Wednesday the 23rd of March. All feedback has been noted and acknowledged. Thank you for all your support. Once again, we are hopeful that this will be an exciting opportunity for us to grow.The continuity of all services and groups is a high priority as the move progresses. We are aiming to keep everything running as normal as possible. Please watch this space for any further updates which we hope to have very soon.
22nd March 2022 Q&A session with the CEO tomorrow, Wednesday, at the Cambria 2 to 4pm
9th March 2022 Date for a Q & A Session with the CEO confirmed
On Wednesday 23rd March service users and the public are invited to come along to the Cambria to speak with Mind Aber CEO Jamie Jones-Mead about our pending move from the Cambria. Taking place during the weekly “drop-in” this session will be between 2 and 4pm at the Cambria, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth. Refreshments available. The weekly drop-in will take place as usual.
2nd March 2022 A message from Mind Aberystwyth CEO Jamie Jones-Mead:
“Mind Aberystwyth’s lease is coming to an end soon and the Cambria, Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth will no longer be available to lease past the middle of this year. Therefore, we will be moving to an alternative location. We are currently looking at the needs of those who use our service, the needs of the local community and the needs of the organisation. We will be making a decision in the near future on where we will be located moving forward.
We are aiming to keep all our services running as usual and will be on hand to answer any questions. We welcome suggestions on where best to locate our services in the future. As soon as we have further information about where our services will be located, we will let you know. Though we recognise that change may feel unsettling, we are hopeful that this will be an exciting opportunity for us to grow.“
Watch this page to catch the latest information about the move.
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