Following successful participation in archaeological digs with Dyfed Archaeology Trust and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David Mind Aberystwyth’s ‘Archaeology for Mental Health’ programme presents a new project.
Between the end of January and the beginning of April participants will plan, execute and record data from a survey of war memorials in and around Aberystwyth. The information we gather will be uploaded to war memorials online to facilitate care of these monuments and a report will be presented to the Ceredigion museum.
This project therefore presents an opportunity to make a genuine and lasting contribution to the heritage of our area, to get outdoors, to develop new skills and gather new knowledge and experience.
The first session starts at 10:00am on Saturday 28th January and includes a talk on the history of War Memorials by Dr Lester Mason from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
If you would like to participate please contact Will Rathouse on 07964 999 399 or email william@mindaberystwyth.
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