Mental Health Awareness in the Community
“I increased my confidence around mental health in general”. “Very well prepared. Clear and easy to understand” Mental Health Awareness Session Participants |
“Very well delivered, very clear and informative, nice variety of styles” “I have gained knowledge for what I should look for if someone is suffering from poor mental health” Mental Health Awareness Session Participants |
Session Overview
Suitable for unpaid community leaders and voluntary groups in Ceredigion who have an interest in raising their awareness of mental health issues. All participants receive a certificate of attendance.
Course Aims
To help individuals and groups develop a better understanding of what mental health is, the signs and symptoms of common mental health issues and how to practice self-care. Content includes how the coronavirus pandemic has affected our mental health.
Learning Objectives
- Understand what is meant by the term mental health
- Learn about common mental health issues and symptoms
- Identify techniques for improving self-care
- Understand how to signpost locally
This course is available through video conferencing, usually Zoom, as well as face to face. Sessions available weekdays, evenings and at weekends by arrangement. Venue and refreshments are the responsibility of the booker.
Free of charge to not for profit or voluntary groups but donations to Mind Aberystwyth gratefully received.
To Find Out More
Please contact us on 01970 626225 or write to
Delivered by Mind Aberystwyth
Mind Aberystwyth has 15 years of experience of supporting those affected by mental health problems. Our qualified trainer has over ten years’ experience of delivering training courses in substance misuse, peer mentoring, peer support and mental health. Mind Aberystwyth
Telephone us on 01970 626225.
Write to us at: Mind Aberystwyth, The Cambria. Marine Terrace. Aberystwyth, SY23 2AZ
Mind Aberystwyth is a registered charity No 1107182 and a registered company No 5238037.